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This is Alice Rose, who, when Alice Gilbert and working as an 'Executive Assistant' in the Private Office of the Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett at the Royal Courts of Justice made a hoax-inspired 999 call to the Met Police on 25 October 2019 which was later declared as a malicious communication under Section 1 of the Malicious Communications Act 1988 by Detective Inspector Jones of the Met Police: wasting police time. This was a despicable act of revenge by Alice Rose and her colleagues on ex-Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Farid El Diwany after he wrote, with the written support of Lord Pickles, to Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett on 11 October 2019 requesting a change in the Judicial Conduct Rules to prevent another High Court judge like the bigot Lady Justice Sharp ever again condoning the hate-emails listed below, which were sent to Mr El Diwany at the instigation of a High Court defendant - the bent Norwegian Police Sergeant Torill Sorte. Emails read out to Mrs Justice Sharp, as she then was, on 16 March 2011 in the obvious expectation of them being condemned. BUT no! Just a sickening silence by the honourable Victoria Madeleine Sharp. Emails declared a hate-crime by the Essex Police and referred to Interpol Norway. Emails in 2021 condoned too by church-going Lord Justice Popplewell who refused, when specifically asked, to condemn them.

Alice Rose was protecting Lady Justice Sharp and as will be gathered from listening to the soundfile below of a 2020 phone call between Farid El Diwany and Michele Souris - P.A to Sir Ian Burnett - Alice Rose and Michele Souris refused to hand over Mr El Diwany's letters to Sir Ian. Even a Detective Constable at the Essex Police in 2021 tried to assist Mr El Diwany by asking these same civil servants at the Office of the Lord Chief Justice in a zoom call why they just don't hand those letters to Sir Ian and let HIM decide what to do with them. The Detective Constable got no reply! Ha! A cover-up by the staff of Sir Ian Burnett. Alice Rose in fact told the Met Police in that hoax-inspired call on 25 October 2019 that she gave Mr El Diwany's letter of 11 October 2019 to ... Lady Justice Sharp! But the complaint was about her! Cover-up! Cheating. Misconduct in public office. Institutional Islamophobic-racism.