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Hannah Pilkington - the Whore of Babylon. Soliciting for High Street brothelkeepers Capsticks on behalf of the SRA. Her former colleague Rory Mulchrone was her pimp-in-arms, using regulatory law to mercilessly persecute an abused Solicitor.

The quintessential Islamophobic-bigot in the U.K legal profession: Hannah Pilkington, Solicitor at Capsticks. When acting for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) in 2021 she defended the SRA's decision not to investigate James Quartermaine, Solicitor and his firm Charles Russell Speechlys when Mr Quartermaine instructed 5RB barrister David Hirst to tell Mrs Justice Sharp on 16 March 2011 that Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Farid El Diwany was 'seriously mentally ill' MERELY for litigating against his client, the now disgraced Police Sergeant Torill Sorte from Norway, when trying to defend his good name following the receipt of the hate-emails as set out below. Emails declared a hate-crime by the Essex Police and referred to Interpol Norway ... who did nothing. It was Police Sergeant Torill Sorte's fabricated comments to 1.4 million readers of Dagbladet newspaper on 20 & 21 December 2005 which was the catalyst for those vile hate-emails being sent to Mr El Diwany. Dagbladet newspaper labelled him the 'half-Arab Muslim man'. Solicitor James Quartermaine, then of Charles Russell LLP condoned the emails, expressed not one word of regret and fully supported Police Sergeant Torill Sorte calling Farid El Diwany "clearly mentally unstable" after he called her "a liar, cheat and abuser" for her Dagbladet comments. The Norwegian Police Directorate wrote to Mr El Diwany in 2019 to acknowledge that Police Sergeant Torill Sorte was indeed a liar, but that the 5-year time limit for prosecution of their officer for trying to pervert the course of Justice had long since passed. How convenient! They knew 15 years earlier but covered up the matter.

Naturally Farid El Diwany thought James Quartermaine and Charles Russell Speechlys should be investigated by the SRA for gross misconduct. Pretending those emails were irrelevant and diagnosing Farid El Diwany as 'seriously mentally ill' without a scrap of medical evidence was surely a breach of the SRA's Core Principal of 'utmost integrity' which the SRA were obliged to investigate. The SRA disagreed and said they had a 'wide discretion' as to who to investigate and cannot be forced to investigate if they did not want to. Mr Justice Jay agreed as did Lord Justice Bean: the SRA's 'wide discretion' must be allowed to prevail.

How odd, was it not, that Muslim man Farid El Diwany was up against the Jewess Mrs Justice Sharp who herself refused to condemn those vile hate-emails and up against the SRA's Jewish barrister Benjamin Tankel and then up against the Jewish Mr Justice Jay and finally the Jewish Lord Justice Bean. These aforementioned Jewish jurists think that Mr El Diwany being told to 'Go f*ck Allah, the Camel' and that the 'Prophet Muhammad is a confused paedophile' and that Mr El Diwany's 'semen is only fit for a pig' and to 'lick the arseholes of pigs clean' is IRRELEVANT to his complaint against Charles Russell Speechlys. The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal's use the Jewess Kate Kapp, of Doyle Clayton LLP, who also concurs and thinks the hate-emails are a side-issue.

What is needed is an honourable Jew such as the investigative journalist and author Tom Bower to look into and report on this saga. Mr Bower is himself a sworn enemy of Lady Justice Sharp after she tried to ruin him when, as a barrister at 1 Brick Court, she acted for the crook and financial abuser Robert Maxwell in his action against Bower when he was trying to publish his first biography on Maxwell.

To hell with the SRA, SDT, Bar Standards Board and their legal advisors. Bigots.


Rory Mulchrone (pictured) is an in-house barrister for the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and is employed by Capsticks LLP in Wimbledon. He is a specialist in turning abusers and fantasists into 'victims' - whilst pretending to abhor all forms of racism ... one abuser/fantasist such as pathological liar and Carl Beech clone Heidi Schøne from Norway: an abuser par excellence, but a 'vulnerable' victim for Rory Mulchrone. He thinks the website Norwayuncovered.com is a 'hate site' and that its owner is "completely unfit to be a Solicitor".

We think Mr Mulchrone, Hannah Pilkington - Solicitor at Capsticks - and those instructing them at the SRA on the Norway Shockers 'disrepute' case need a psychiatrist. They are so ****** in the head that they bring the legal profession into disrepute themselves.


Capsticks law firm, who prosecuted Islamphobia-in-Norway whistleblower Solicitor Farid El Diwany on behalf of the SRA, also use the law to impose vast cost orders against NHS whistleblowers - doctors who highlight bad practice. Capsticks are the pimps for the SRA and NHS enforcers too. Just as Doyle Clayton Solicitors are the pimps for the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal, with their £100,000 costs Order, using David Reade Q.C, against Muslim retired Solicitor Farid El Diwany who accused the SDT and SRA of 'Islamophobic-racist bigotry', which words Mr Justice Bennathan declared on 16 March 2022 as 'intemperate language unbefitting a Solicitor'. Read this Times newspaper article: