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For the Post Office - read the SRA

This article in The Times of 21 March 2024 by Richard Moorhead, Professor of Law & Ethics at the University of Exeter is spot on. It relates to the appalling lack of integrity shown by the Post Office and their lawyers in the Postmasters prosecutions scandal - citing 'aggressive litigation, misleading and mismanaged evidence and scorched earth tactics' and 'where the culture of some lawyers is to take any vaguely arguable point, "handle" any inconvenient fact, create any obstruction, steamroller any opponent, when clients are willing to pay for it'. But Mr Moorhead blames too the judges at the Court of Appeal who covered up these iniquities when dismissing appeals or refusing applications for permission to appeal.

This Post Office scenario applies equally to the SRA's prosecuting lawyers and investigators in my case, in particular Chris Boyce working for the SRA on my Charles Russell Speechlys LLP complaint and barrister Rory Mulchrone, an effete SRA bigot, working for the SRA. Using other people's money, they cheated me.

Farid El Diwany