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Dr Jamal Nasir CVO, Barrister-at-law, was my boss at 14 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn until his death in 2015 aged 92. His son Khalid aka Colin Nasir was a formidable tri-lingual Solicitor working with us in his Law firm and a talented singer-songwriter to boot. I spent nearly five years with them. Dr Nasir managed to finish his autobiography 'Under My Wig' shortly before he died, published by Gilgamesh, and the Law Gazette reviewed it as did the Al Arab newspaper of London in Arabic - see below. Dr Nasir was a former Minister of Justice in Jordan and an acting Foreign Minister. He was a passionate advocate for a right-of-return for the Palestinians of whom he was one. He once gave Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton a lift home in the U.K and told me he met David Ben-Gurion on the London Underground. Very streetwise too was Dr Nasir. A remarkable man.