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Farid El Diwany, retired Lincoln's Inn Solicitor, was bestowed with two so-called "harassment" convictions of his former girlfriend Heidi Schøne by the Norwegian authorities in 2001 and 2003 for sending out to the general public in Norway from 1996-1998 and then placing the same information on a website in 2000 the following correctives ('Press Releases') to vast newspaper coverage depicting him as a 'Muslim sex-terrorist'. The first conviction in 2001 was in absentia and the second conviction in 2003 was under duress after an ambush arrest in Norway: "Confess your guilt or you are going straight to prison" the Norwegian Public Prosecutor told him. In Norway no defence of 'justified comment' was afforded to Mr El Diwany, under the quasi-strict liability Section 390(a) of the Norwegian Penal Code. Heidi herself supplied all the information to the Norwegian Press in what amounted to the biggest Islamophobic hate campaign in the history of the Norwegian Press. Yet the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) prosecute Mr El Diwany as his two (protest) convictions have 'brought the profession into disrepute'. The SRA uttered not one word of condemnation of the Norwegian Press for their own vile Islamophobic bigotry. So, F*CK the SRA for their deceit, hypocrisy and in turn covert Islamophobia!

In April 2024 Heidi Schøne (née Heidi Overaa) reached out to Farid El Diwany in sincere repentance and the pair are now, remarkably, the best of friends. They talk every day. Heidi is a changed woman, thank God.