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Simon Tinkler was the Chair of the SDT Panel in 2021. A real Islamophobe and cheat. Now appointed a Deputy High Court judge. See my email to him below detailing rampant corruption - which he completely ignored.

From: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2021, 10:21
To: [email protected]
Subject: Memorandum 12235-2021 SDT:0042355

Dear Mr Tinkler,

I am writing to you as I have just been told (by Doyle Clayton Law firm) that all my correspondence to the SDT regarding the upcoming hearing is directed straightaway by SDT CEO Geraldine Newbold to her own firm of criminal law solicitors - Doyle Clayton in Reading who were, no doubt, instrumental in having me arrested and detained overnight for 9 hours at Colchester Police Station on 1 September 2021 using fabricated information from 2 Witness Statements supplied by Ben Yallop, the Private Secretary to Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett, that a third party told him I was seen outside the homes of Lady Justice Sharp and Sir Ian Burnett. Total fabrications. Lies. Detective ConstableTrevor Clark told me this. I told him I have not been within a million miles of either of these judges homes and to get some substantiation. So far after 8 weeks not a word in reply. Why so? Cos' Ben Yallop is a sick bast*rd liar. Those 2 Witness Statements surely persuaded the London magistrate to grant the Essex Police a search warrant to seize all my electronic equipment to discover any 'research and planning on individuals'. In short, Ben Yallop has succeeded in persuading the Essex Police that I may have been planning an Islamist terror attack on the judiciary. What a cheating scumbag!

You must surely have known about this! You are tainted by association. And you wonder why I don't trust the SDT. This state of affairs has corrupted my upcoming hearing completely. YOU were acting as if everything was above board with no extraneous invasions, when all along vile manoeuvrings were afoot. Kate Kapp of Doyle Clayton tells me, effectively, I may now face arrest at the Tribunal hearing if I repeat my allegations of institutional racist-Islamophobic bigotry and discrimination by the SDT and SRA, as such language is 'unbefitting of a solicitor and in breach of the Civil injunction'. Kate Kapp, the one who employs barrister Andrew Maguire to compare me with hit-man Liam Neeson, the protagonist in the film 'Taken' who executes Arabic-speaking Muslims at the end of the film. So Islamophobic.

So, alleging Islamophobic-racist bullying and discrimination is illegal is it? Tell that to Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

YOU must report this SDT corruption to the Met Police immediately. I will inform your senior partner of what has transpired.

For the record, below is my email of yesterday with attachment to the SDT. No doubt sent straight to Doyle Clayton by Geraldine Newbold. Some people really are above the law. I have been led up the garden path. Used and abused. Just for being Muslim.

Please confirm receipt.

Farid El Diwany

Transcript of Deputy Judge Hugh Mercer Q.C's hearing.

This transcript of my hearing before Deputy Judge Hugh Mercer Q.C on 17 January 2022 dealt primarily with my application for an adjournment of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal's own application to send me to Wandsworth Prison for using 'intemperate language unbefitting a Solicitor' when I repeatedly told the SDT they were, simply: "Islamophobic racist bigots ... similar to Yorkshire County Cricket Club" (ex-England cricketer Azim Rafiq case). This attribute applied mainly to the SDT's CEO Geraldine Newbold who treated me like an imbecile for weeks after her refusal to tell me if they had any Muslim Panel members, followed in due course by Simon Tinkler who, sat on the SDT Panel, as Chairman, considering my request for re-admission to the Roll of Solicitors. I found Mr Tinkler's attitude and behaviour as Chairman of the Panel bullying, cruel and oppressive and certainly Islamophobic as neither he, nor his two colleagues - who both stayed mute throughout the entire hearing - could be bothered to answer any of my searching questions on the subject of Islamophobia, which questions were of utmost relevance, in particular to my previous refused-on-paper application for Simon Tinkler and his Panel to recuse themselves due to their complete lack of expertise on Islamophobia, not helped by their total refusal to engage in any discussion on the subject. In my asking for their replacement by an "all-Muslim Panel" this was NOT a matter which concerned the Panel's own particular religious affiliations but related to their apparent Islamophobic prejudice and complete refusal/inability to articulate the constituent elements of Islamophobia. An 'all-Muslim Panel' will always be clued-up on precisely what is comprised in the various many guises of Islamophobia. Few non-Muslims are: Wes Streeting M.P and Norwegian academic Sindre Bangstad, a Christian, are notable exceptions: I'd welcome either of them on the SDT Panel. My concern was that I did not want a repeat of having to face another incompetent SDT Panel lacking in knowledge as to the essential, often subtle, elements comprised in Islamophobia. The earlier Sydenham/Chesterton SDT Panel, which struck me off, were so covertly prejudiced that this time round I was determined to ensure I got a fair hearing, using an impartial Panel. I failed completely: Tinkler & Co were adamant they were impartial; but I could tell they felt grossly insulted that they were even asked to recuse themselves for alleged ignorance of the 'constituent elements of Islamophobia'. Thereafter they saw me as a subversive belligerent and treated me with complete disdain. It was so embarrassing, and humiliating. A man of my age being so bullied!

This was a remote hearing, with me at home. For some reason, my voice was inaudible and so my words were not transcribed.

Deputy Judge Hugh Mercer Q.C was a breath of fresh air. He saw fit to give me more time to find legal representation to combat the SDT's request to send me to prison, using David Reade Q.C, and adjourned the hearing. You will see by reading his comments on Simon Tinkler that Judge Hugh Mercer Q.C agreed with my right to put forward that there was 'more to Mr Tinkler's conduct than met the eye' regarding the 'overbearing authority being exercised'; Simon Tinkler, a former partner at Clifford Chance and recently appointed a Deputy High Court judge: a man who was bound to regard himself as a star and beyond reproach.

You will see, overall, that Deputy Judge Hugh Mercer Q.C gives some considerable relief to my allegations of Islamophobic bigotry being levelled at the SDT, as (surely) being no more than 'temperate language', and that he had read the Yorkshire County Cricket Club Azim Rafiq case. Hugh Mercer Q.C also ticks off David Reade Q.C for his attempts to demonise me.

Farid El Diwany
26 November 2022'