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Yessir! The two trumped-up Norway convictions in 2001 & 2003 I wear as a badge of honour. I couldn't give a flying fu*k what the Solicitors Regulation Authority think or say or do. Same for 'Uncle Tom' Mr Justice Saini or his fellow cheat Lord Justice Warby, aka 'Wanker Warby of 5RB' in Chancery Lane circles. 

The Norwegian establishment couldn't stand my giving them a taste of their own medicine. These inbred retards thought they could piss on me all day long with their year in year out sexualised fantasies and racist diatribe in their national Press. So I initiated a rather successful commercial fax and website campaign ... which led to two ambush prosecutions and two convictions ... one in absentia. Both strict liability and inappealable: Article 13 ECHR. But so very conveniently ignored by Saini J. and also Warby L J who again cites in his Judgment: "200 messages to ... ". No wonder he's known as Wanker Warby! There were no 200 letters TO Heidi Schøne. They were TO the general public along with thousands more ... in a quid pro quo response. But the white trash Norwegians didn't like being exposed for the racists they were and called it 'harassment'. And prosecuted me for it. Sick motherf*ckers. But but but ... they all paid for it on 22 July 2011 ... my sworn enemies the Police Ministry in Oslo were blown up that day by Anders Breivik who conveniently blew up the offices of Verdens Gang newspaper too. My opposing lawyer in the High Court litigation that finished that same week was off sick for the next 16 months. Tough sh*t. You dirty rotten Norwegian scoundrels got your cumuppance and then some! Ha, ha!

Yet look what happens to a drunk barrister convicted of assault and given a two-year suspended prison sentence. Suspended from the Bar for three years but immediately allowed to train as a Solicitor. Why so? Cos' he showed 'genuine remorse' and mended his ways. Oh how convenient! (If I had my time again I would do exactly the same. I enjoyed teaching the inbred Norwegian scum a damn good lesson. No regrets).

Barrister who assaulted hotel worker with hockey stick suspended

By Jemma Slingo | 15 October 2020

A barrister who broke a hotel receptionist’s jaw with a hockey stick has been suspended for three years and fined £2,000. He is due to be admitted to the roll of solicitors next year.

Felix Joel Evans, 29, received a two-year suspended sentence in 2018 after assaulting a hotel worker in the early hours of the morning. According to the tribunal’s judgment (see below), Evans had been drinking heavily when he hit the receptionist with a hockey stick three times, once in the face breaking his jaw and twice on his back.

The tribunal found that Evans – who never started pupillage after being called to the bar in 2014 – had acted in a way which was likely to diminish public trust and confidence.

After the incident, Evans paid for counselling and attended Alcoholics Anonymous.

‘Were it not for the efforts the respondent has made to put his life in order we would not have hesitated to disbar him. However, we do consider all that he has done since the incident to repair his life to amount to exceptional circumstances,’ the tribunal said.

Evans was suspended for three years and fined £2,000.

According to the Bar Tribunals & Adjudication Service, Evans now works for a firm of solicitors, has qualified as a solicitor, and is due to be admitted to the roll in March 2021.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority was told of his conviction and allowed him to start a period of recognised training. The firm employing him is aware of his convicition.

Original Gazette article HERE