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Solicitors Regulation Authority 2024

From: Farid El Diwany <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2024, 15:19
Subject: SRA ISLAMOPHOBIA - Complaint
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: Georgina Smith <[email protected]>

Dear Mr Philip,

I spoke just now to the lady who wrote the email to me below and very politely explained my position. She refused to discuss a thing, stood by her email and put the phone down on me when I asked for a meeting and asked her to remind me of her name.

So I am going to visit you in Birmingham at a time of my choosing but before doing so will tell the Birmingham Police that you are covering up vast far-right Norwegian Islamophobia and, effectively, excusing the unprecedented abuse I have received from Norway which resulted in two trumped-up Norwegian convictions which the SRA joyfully used to try to strike me off the Roll. You use other people's money when prosecuting me, and employ incompetent staff to adjudicate on my case.

I was NOT locked up in a psychiatric hospital for two seconds, let alone two years as alleged by the Norwegian client of Charles Russell Speechlys, so your Chris Boyce is totally out of order to side with that Norwegian client and refuse to investigate Charles Russell Speechlys for their cunning, deceit and Islamophobic bigotry in my libel case in 2011.

The level of SRA belligerence and incompetence I have faced is almost as bad as that faced by the Postmasters in the Post Office scandal.

If I am refused a meeting with you, I will wait outside for you to appear in the street. Do the decent thing and grant me a meeting. I am not the moronic fool the SRA try to depict, as I think you will come to appreciate if we meet.

Yours sincerely,
Farid El Diwany


From: Legal <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2024, 09:22
Subject: FW: SRA ISLAMOPHOBIA - Complaint
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>

Dear Mr El Diwany.

Your emails of 12 January 2024, 4 March 2024 and 12 March 2024 to our Complaint Team and Paul Philip have been forwarded to the Legal & Enforcement team.

We have previously responded to the issues raised, which have been adjudicated on during extensive litigation. We consider that any further correspondence on these matters would not be constructive and therefore do not intend to engage in any further correspondence with you on this matter.

We note that the emails referred to above contain threatening and abusive language. We do not tolerate threatening and abusive behaviour and will take necessary and appropriate action to protect staff from such behaviour. Please note that in accordance with our policy on managing unreasonable behaviour (https://www.sra.org.uk/sra/complaints-service/unreasonable-behaviour-policy/) if the threatening and abusive nature of your correspondence continues we will take steps to restrict the ways in which you can communicate with us.

Yours sincerely,

Legal & Enforcement
Solicitors Regulation Authority/Awdurdod Rheoleiddio

T: 0121 295 3086



From: Farid El Diwany <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 4:13 pm
To: Paul Philip <[email protected]>
Subject: SRA ISLAMOPHOBIA - Complaint

Dear Mr Philip,

See emails below. Why no response?

I want a meeting, with the Police present.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours sincerely,

Farid El Diwany


From: Farid El Diwany <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2024, 22:40
Subject: SRA ISLAMOPHOBIA - Complaint
To: ComplaintsTeam <[email protected]>

Dear Sirs,

I see you are ignoring my complaint. See below. This is the third time I am contacting you.

Unless I get a meeting with you to discuss your bigotry and Islamophobia, I will confront you at your Office. Stop the abuse!

At the meeting I now request, I would like the Police to sit in to take note of the vile Norwegian far-right Islamophobic abuse you, as a public body condoned. I am the victim of vast Norwegian abuse. The SRA are the abusers by proxy as they support the abuser Charles Russell Speechlys.

The SRA's incompetent bigot CHRIS BOYCE deliberately refused to accept that the basis of my complaint to him was that Charles Russell Speechlys' Solicitor James Quartermaine knew damn well that as I had not spent two years locked up in a psychiatric hospital from 1992-1994 - as alleged by his client Police Sergeant Torill Sorte to 1.5 million Dagbladet newspaper readers who labelled me the 'half-Arab Muslim' - then Mr Quartermaine had no right to argue in the High Court that I was "clearly mentally unstable" for calling Police Sergeant Torill Sorte "a liar, cheat and abuser". She was a filthy liar. I had not spent two seconds in any mental hospital. I was the PLA's Commercial Property Solicitor from 1989-1998 with no two-year gap for incarceration in any psychiatric hospital. So it is bestial abuse and misconduct by Charles Russell Speechlys to argue before Sharp J on 16 March 2011 that I am clinically mentally ill - on trumped up, unsubstantiated, ex-post facto and unconnected reasons. No medical report was presented at all. To hell with Chris Boyce's point that Sharp J did not criticise Charles Russell Speechlys. Sharp J - a judge who refused to condemn me being told, thanks to Police Sergeant Torill Sorte's Press allegation, to 'Go f*** Allah, the Camel' etc. and all the other vile emails. The point was that Charles Russell Speechlys cannot mislead the Court by pretending that the basis for their client Torill Sorte calling me 'clearly mentally unstable' was anything other than her filthy lie to the Norwegian Press that I had been incarcerated in a mental hospital for two years. And the SRA go along with it all!

I need to discover the SRA motivation for its hatred and institutional Islamophobic behaviour. Only a meeting, with the Police present, will therefore suffice.

Your understanding of Islamophobia is completely deficient.

You never employed any Muslims at the SRA or outside the organisation when charging me with bringing the profession into disrepute for those 2 trumped-up Norwegian 'harassment' convictions, using the artifice that you 'cannot look behind the convictions'. I only got those convictions - one in absentia, the other after threats and duress - thanks to bestial far-right Islamophobic Norwegian Press reports. If I was not Muslim then no Press Reports, ergo no corrective campaigns or the need for a website, ergo no convictions. Heidi Schøne was NOT fragile when leading the biggest Muslim-hating abuse campaign in the history of the Norwegian Press from 1995-2006.

You used lawyers against me whose covertly despise Islam.

So, I will be in touch shortly to see if we can agree a meeting. With the Birmingham Police present - as what the SRA have shown is pure racist Islamophobic abuse.


Farid El Diwany


From: Farid El Diwany <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2024, 11:37
Subject: Complaint against the SRA
To: ComplaintsTeam <[email protected]>

Dear Sirs,

Your references: LL1293445-2020 Annabel Joester; SC/1289494-2020 Georgina Smith; PE/JP/001666-20 Chris Boyce

I refer to previous correspondence on matters raised under the above references in 2020 regarding the Islamophobia of Charles Russell Speechlys and their Solicitor James Quartermaine. Distinctive Islamophobia - well and truly covered up, deceitfully, by yourselves.

I want this matter reopened and this time I require a meeting. I do not want to be fobbed off by your patronising denials and cover up.

Chris Boyce relied on the 29 July 2011 libel judgment of Mrs Justice Sharp when saying the judge made no criticism of Charles Russell Speechlys' conduct. BUT Chris Boyce failed to take into account that any judge, like Sharp J, who fails to condemn truly vile hate-emails, to be forwarded to you shortly, MUST necessarily be an Islamophobic bigot. Those emails were sent to me thanks to Charles Russell's client and High Court defendant Police Sergeant Torill Sorte. The newspaper labelled me 'half-Arab Muslim' in connection with my alleged insanity. Ms Sorte had told 2 million readers of Dagbladet newspaper on 20 & 21 December 2005 the total fabrication that I had spent 1992-1994 locked up in a mental hospital. I had not spent two seconds in any mental hospital, let alone two years. Indeed, I was the Port of London Authority's Commercial Property Solicitor from 1989-1998 with no two-year gap for incarceration in any mental hospital, as confirmed by the PLA and my family doctor. The emails were read out by me to Mrs Justice Sharp on 16 March 2011 and she uttered not a word of condemnation or even sorrow at the enormous distress those emails caused me - judicial Islamophobia pure and simple. As a result of those emails I called Police Sergeant Torill Sorte a "liar, cheat and abuser" on Norwegian social media and she went back to another newspaper called Eiker Bladet on 11 January 2006 to call me "clearly mentally unstable" for calling her a 'liar and corrupt' over her two years in a mental hospital comments about me to the nation.

The artful Chris Boyce ignored and covered up the fact that Charles Russell Speechlys were told in my pleadings and Witness Statement to the Court that the catalyst for my libel case against their client Ms Sorte was the online Dagbladet article of 20 December 2005 repeated in print on the front page of Dagbladet on 21 December 2005 in a '23 Years of Sex-terror madman' story with Ms Sorte saying I had been locked up from 1992-1994 in a mental hospital and put there moreover by my own mother. The attached hate-emails arrived on 20 December 2005 and in four of them you can see that the senders believed Ms Sorte's allegations. Totally false allegations coming from inbred Norwegian trailer-trash in Police Sergeant Torill Sorte. Moreover, Heidi Schøne tells the nation that I had threatened to kill her two year old child. She can burn in hell for that sick lie.

James Quartermaine of Charles Russell Speechlys knew all along that I had not spent two seconds in any mental hospital - he had my family doctor's letter to that effect before the start of the 16 March 2011 High Court hearing. So, I could hardly be "clearly mentally unstable" for calling Police Sergeant Torill Sorte a "liar, cheat and abuser" over her preposterous two years in a mental hospital allegations in Dagbladet. Ms Sorte IS a liar, cheat and abuser. Charles Russell Speechlys did not utter one word of condemnation for the hate-emails. Indeed, they argued that I was seriously mentally ill ADDITIONALLY because I had litigated in Norway and now the U.K on the allegations in the attached 21 newspaper articles in the Norwegian Press. Read the professional translations. Charles Russell Speechlys were telling the High Court, effectively, that I did not have the insight to realise I WAS an insane Muslim psychopath, potential killer who had allegedly sent Heidi Schøne 5,840 letters from 1982-1998, made 13 years of death threats and 13 years of obscene phone calls. The SRA fully supported Charles Russell Speechlys and their barrister David Hirst, with Chris Boyce arguing that they were fully entitled to act in their client's 'best interests'. This is the work of the Devil. If there was some medical evidence that I was 'clearly mentally unstable' and a psychopath then Charles Russell Speechlys might have an argument. But there was none and so to hide the fact that Charles Russell Speechlys ALREADY knew full well that their client had lied big-time when telling the nation in Dagbladet newspaper that I had been locked up for two years is bestial deceit and misconduct.

The SRA are cheats.

And the SRA then want me struck off the Roll when PRETENDING that my two 'harassment' convictions in Norway were genuine formulations - when they were actually trumped-up expressions of vile Islamophobic abuse, arranged by Police Sergeant Torill Sorte herself.

In 2021 Mr Justice Saini at the High Court declared in paragraph 65 of his judgment that Heidi Schøne was a liar when he ruled that her Norwegian Press stories were "far from the truth" and that she sold her stories for "financial reward". Saini J, unreservedly, condemned the Norwegian Press for their Islamophobic abuse of me and he condemned the hate-emails. Mrs Justice Sharp was exposed as a bigot.

The Manchester University 'Racial Bias and the Bench' Report of November 2022 alleges 'institutional racism' in the judiciary, which includes elements of Islamophobia. Mrs Justice Sharp is an Islamophobic-racist bigot. I will forward this to you.

Inspector Jeff Cook of the Met Police you will see from his attached 2022 email to me believes Lady Justice Sharp and Lord Justice Popplewell have a case to answer before the Crown Prosecution Service for misconduct in public office for Islamophobia, following receipt of my attached Witness Statement.

Manchester University and the Met Police are a damn site more honest than the SRA are regarding Islamophobic-racist abuse.

The SRA had a conflict of interest: they used Charles Russell Speechlys to obtain translations of the two Norwegian 'harassment' convictions in their desire to get me struck off and did not then want to antagonise a big City law firm by investigating their Islamophobic abuse and related misconduct. None of you at the SRA have a clue of the constituent elements of Islamophobia. None of you looking into my complaint were Muslim, and that does make a big difference.

I insist on a meeting.

I will send you my book on the matter to assist you.


Farid El Diwany