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The Football Association have, rightly, seen fit to impose an 18-month ban on a former Crawley Town manager for his use of racist and religiously discriminatory language on his own players. Read the Daily Mail article below. This contrasts with the attitude of the Office for the Investigation of Judicial Complaints (OIJC) who in 2012 and 2021 refused on both occasions to censure respectively Mrs Justice Sharp and Lord Justice Popplewell for their refusal to condemn, when asked, vile emails, listed below, (declared a hate-crime by the Essex Police and referred to Interpol), sent to a High Court claimant - Solicitor Farid El Diwany - at the instigation of libel defendant Police Sergeant Torill Sorte. The OIJC declared the two judges 'refusal to comment' on 'aspects of the evidence' was not misconduct, but unimpeachable 'case management'. Government minister Eric Pickles M.P, now Lord Pickles, efforts to get the Judicial Conduct Rules changed in 2015 to make it an offence of judicial misconduct for a judge to refuse to condemn such repugnant language were rejected by then Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling. What planet are these bigots on?