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Will Quince M.P was a Solicitor for a brief period and then was elected as a Conservative Member of Parliament. He adamantly and repeatedly refused to write, on behalf of a constituent, to the Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett, regarding proven criminality by a member of Sir Ian's Private Office staff. The Met Police and the Essex Police were informed of the matter. Will Quince is the only person who can resolve the impasse but is too much of a spineless coward to involve himself with the office of the highest judge in the land in case he uncovers a hornet's nest.

Will Quince served the public in his constituency as their Member of Parliament. I reasoned therefore that this qualified him as a 'public body' for the purposes of taking his irrational decision not to write to Sir Ian Burnett for judicial review to the High Court. Only later did I find out an M.P is not a 'public body' for the purposes of Judicial Review. But I certainly had Will Quince worried. Eventually, as you will see, he called the Police.



Will Quince M.P makes the Daily Mail on 2 March 2022 as Children's Minister. Ha! Climbing the greasy pole would have come to a shuddering halt, would it not, if Mr Quince had complied with constituent Farid El Diwany's 2019 heartfelt request to highlight criminality amongst the staff of Lord Chief Justice, Sir Ian Burnett. Will Quince refused to do the honourable thing and write to tell Sir Ian that his staff were refusing to give him Mr El Diwany's letters - coupled with Lord Pickles own letters - requesting a change in the Judicial Conduct Rules to prevent a repeat of bigot judge, Lady Justice Sharp, refusing to condemn the recorded hate-crime emails (see them above) sent to Mr El Diwany thanks to a High Court defendant and read out to her in Court when she was plain Mrs Justice Sharp. Pure Islamophobic discrimination by Sir Ian Burnett's staff - covered up by Will Quince M.P. He is no friend of Muslims. Only Quince himself would have got an answer: Sir Ian himself would have been obliged to address the complaint and require his staff to give him ex-Lincoln's Inn Solicitor Mr El Diwany's letters. But no! Quince didn't think it was 'right' to 'interfere with the judiciary'. He refused to write to Sir Ian and then reported Mr El Diwany to the Police after being reprimanded by an outraged Mr El Diwany.



The former Solicitor will give up Parliament in order to 'spend more time with his ...' as the adage goes. Just as well. Another one bites the dust.

From: farid el d
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 1:46:09 pm
To: Trevor Clark DC 42000391
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Will Quince M.P - Witness Statement dated 7 May 2021 re alleged harassment by Farid El Diwany. ESSEX POLICE MATTER.


Dear Trevor, I refer to Will Quince M.P's attached Witness Statement dated 7 May 2021 which I only received on 17 November 2023 from the Essex Police's City of London Solicitors. Only a two-and-a-half-year wait! I now have the time to respond.

I also attach, for your information:

1. A link from the well-known author - the so-called 'Secret Barrister' - detailing his spat with Will Quince M.P, where eventually Will Quince apologised for his ignorance regarding certain matters pertaining to the law and criminal conviction assessment.

2. My correspondence with Will Quince M.P detailing very precisely indeed the matters of concern to me, which Mr Quince will have read.

3. The Norwegian hate-emails given to Will Quince at his Surgery meeting with me.

4. Expressions of email support from Norwegians, who certainly knew what they were talking about.

5. Met Police, Inspector Jeff Cook, email support for my campaign to make the judiciary accountable for misconduct.

6. Michele Souris, P.A to Sir Ian Burnett, sound file of recorded phone call.

Referring to Mr Quince's Witness Statement, it is a malicious slight and untrue for him to say of me in his 7th line that at my meeting with him at his Surgery: ' ... he struck me as a troubled individual who left me and my caseworker feeling uneasy'. This is malicious slander which was considerably reinforced by Mr Quince's spiteful, but completely irrelevant, reference to my being struck off the Roll of Solicitors - which was mentioned only to try to blacken my name following my rebukes for Will Quince's own negligence and cowardice - as my two Norwegian 'harassment' convictions in 2002 and 2003 were exercises in far-right institutional Norwegian Islamophobic abuse following my exposés of Breivik-style Islamophobia in Norway, e.g. calling me 'Muslim' man 19 times in one Norwegian Press article. See the attached very complimentary emails I received from Norway regarding my efforts to speak truth to power.

IF ONLY my Surgery meeting with Will Quince and his caseworker was recorded or filmed. You would then see that our meeting was very cordial and related solely to my desire for a change in the Judicial Conduct Rules. I handed Mr Quince a copy of the attached Norwegian hate-emails and he soon wrote to the Lord Chancellor who replied. Mr Quince at that Surgery meeting told me he saw P.M Boris Johnson "every day" and we discussed the subject of my opposition to the hijab and I spoke of my admiration for Margaret Thatcher and singer Cat Stevens, who Mr Quince referred to as 'Yusuf Islam'. There was nothing whatsoever in that Surgery meeting which could have left Will Quince and his caseworker 'feeling uneasy' about my conduct. This spiteful allegation was an was ex-post facto fabrication.

Mr Quince will also be aware of the considerable help Lord Pickles gave me, when writing as my M.P to the Chief Constable in 2013 regarding the attached hate-emails which the Essex Police declared a hate-crime and referred to Interpol Norway, with Eric Pickles then writing to Lord Chancellor Chris Grayling in 2014 in a failed attempt to get the Judicial Conduct Rules changed to make it an offence of judicial misconduct for a judge not to condemn language - such as the attached emails read out to Sharp J in 2011 - likely to cause serious offence and upset to a religious community. Indeed, see the attached email from Inspector Jeff Cook at the Met Police regarding his efforts to get a face-to-face meeting with the Crown Prosecution Service following Lord Justice Popplewell's explicit refusal in 2021 to condemn the same Norwegian hate-emails - judicial misconduct in public office.

The 2022 Manchester University Report 'Racial Bias and the Bench' alleged 'institutional racism' in the judiciary, which includes elements of Islamophobia.

Will Quince was not forbidden by convention or any rules from writing to Lord Chief Justice Sir Ian Burnett on what was a non-judicial case matter, which clearly did not relate to the 'independence of the judiciary' vis à vis government 'interference' in a Court decision. Indeed, Will Quince had previously questioned a Crown Court sentencing decision by writing to the Lord Chancellor complaining about a judge's leniency, as can be seen from his correspondence with the Secret Barrister! My request to Will Quince was simply to try get to the bottom of the preposterous hoax-999 call that Sir Ian's executive assistant, Alice Rose, made to the Met Police on 25 October 2019, with the malicious fabrication that I had called in that very morning "threatening to commit suicide". I immediately emailed Will Quince with the details after two Colchester policemen visited me in the afternoon asking if I still wanted to kill myself. A sick fabrication made by Alice Rose's informant, no doubt in revenge for my book on Lady Justice Sharp. My own six or more recorded delivery letters of complaint TO Sir Ian were not being handed on to Sir Ian, as Alice Rose and colleagues Michele Souris and Ben Yallop were preventing it. Listen to my attached recorded call sound file with Michele Souris in 2020. The smear campaign by Sir Ian's staff continued with Michele Souris telling Essex Police in 2021 that I had 'turned up' at the homes of Sir Ian Burnett and Lady Justice Sharp, when, as well Essex Police came to realise, I had not been within a million miles of either of these judges' homes. It was fantastical nonsense! Another malicious, vile, fabrication.

ONLY Will Quince as an M.P could have got a reply from Sir Ian Burnett on either of these stupendous smears from his staff - as his staff would then have been obliged to let Sir Ian know what was going on following receipt of an M.P's letter. Will Quince is entirely to blame for the living hell that Sir Ian's staff have been allowed to perpetuate over the last four years. This is not solely a matter between me and Sir Ian Burnett, as stated by Will Quince. Such cover-ups by these Ministry of Justice civil servants require someone with a hell of a lot more clout than me to overcome. Instead, Will Quince tries to get me prosecuted for 'harassment'. Thank God he is standing down at the next election.

Will Quince would have known after meeting me at his Surgery that I pose no physical threat to him at all. His Witness Statement lacks all integrity. He should have seen that I am a victim of vast abuse by the establishment.

I look forward to a meeting and an apology from Will Quince.

Yours sincerely,
Farid El Diwany


Michele Souris, P.A to Sir Ian Burnett, sound file of recorded phone call.